
Thursday 28 June 2012

Experimenting with MILK PAINT

 It's been a frantic week with lots of stripping, painting, sewing and experimenting! Remember this shoddy little stool?
 Well, my Milk Paint arrived from Canada and I couldn't wait to experiment with it.
 Do I like it? Not sure...
It smells like sour milk. It took five or six coats and I still wasn't getting the opacity I was after so I gave up. Mind you, I was painting pale on dark stained wood. It's cracking is unpredictable and it ended up being very distressed in areas that I wouldn't necessarily distress due to it's flaky nature.
 The stool is by no means finished as the paint still needs sealing with wax or tung oil and the uplholstery needs to be completed with some braid or gimp. But you get the idea.

Do you think there's a market for this paint here in the UK? It's not as subtle as I'm used to. Is it too obvious for our reserved natures?
Apparently you don't have to distress it but I don't know what happens to all the flaky bits if you don't. I presume they will drop off anyway.
I'd love to know what you think!

I've got squillions of other projects to show you that are almost complete, including the cute little frenchy oak cabinet. Stay tuned!


  1. Hmmm I think it might come out a bit to distressed for my liking! I think I would have given up after 3 coats, and sour milk.... yikes. Actually I had never heard of milk paint, so thanks for the heads up with it.

    1. I think it's a bit too far gone too. Might be ok if you happen to live in a tumble down beach shack but sadly I don't.
      The smell does go when it dries. The cats have stopped sniffing it! I thought Bobby was going to attempt to lick the paint off! He was fascinated!
      Miss Mustard Seed does AMAZING things with milk paint on her blog! Perhaps I need to keep at it...

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