
Friday 22 March 2013

Lace lampshade makeover...

When I showed you how far the living room had come in my recent post, I said that the lampshade was under construction...

This is something I've been dying to tackle for ages. I was tempted by the patchwork lampshades of Vix and Dee Dee but as much as I admire the look in other peoples homes, I can't embrace colour in my own. Just can't. It scares me. I've said this before, but I want to live in a White Company catalogue.

Anyway, earlier this week I was trapped in the house with a sick child, no biscuits whatsoever and Scooby Doo on telly ALL DAY so I decided to get cracking with my lampshade to help take my mind off things. I'm such a great mum...

Here's my plain shade with all the trim ripped off. I also pulled out the lining as I wanted the light to show through the lace.

 So here's my BLAND version. It involves cutting up lacey doilies and vintage lace tablecloths. No doubt we all have a secret stash of these. Doilies aren't cool. But if they're hand made lace and under a quid, I cannot resist their allure.

This is a cool project if you have ripped or stained lace and doilies or tablecloths. You feel less guilt cutting them up if they're damaged. I also gave the cotton lace a bath of tea to dirty them up a bit.

I covered one side at a time of the shade with white glue, positioned on my lace and trimmed the excess, leaving enough to turn over at the top and bottom. I like to use Aleenes Tacky Glue which is a habedashery glue. It holds your work in place whilst wet and dries completely clear unlike Mod Podge.

With the next side I overlapped it slightly using the pretty edge. Once I'd gone all the way round I glued velvet ribbon at the top and bottom.

And when the light is on?  It's at it's best.

And my husband came home with snacks! What a guy...

I'm inordinately excited about this! The ONLY thing worth watching on telly...

Even if it is total nonsense...
Who is your favourite? 

Linking with Jennifer Rizzo; Fabulously Creative Friday
 The Shabby Nest: Frugal Friday
 The Rosegarden In Malevik
 Funky Junk Interiors: Saturday Night Special
 Three Mango Seeds: It's Party time
and It's So Very Cheri


  1. What a pretty transformation! Nice job!
    Never seen it or that Essex programme either. xxx

  2. I've never seen the Essex one either but I used to live just behind the Kings Rd in Chelsea and I love the show. xxx

  3. Gorgeous lampshade; as I was reading, I was looking around in my mind's eye, looking for a lampshade that needs revamping; sadly, they're all already done.

  4. I LOVE Made In Chelsea. I actually find myself sitting with my mouth hanging open in shock/outrage at least four times each episode. "My favourite TV show? Ready Steady Cook..." made me giggle for a very long time. Still want to punch Spencer in his stupid smug face though.

    Ok, I'll shut up about MIC now. Your lampshade is lovely- and it's brilliant how it completely transforms when the light is on :)


    1. Haha! No I meant who's your favourite person in MIC! But, I think there's only you and me watching it! I have a crush on Francis! He used to be a joke but last series they transformed him into a tragic Hugh Grant character and I was smitten! I find all the others punchable. xx

  5. It's lovely. I donated some of my stash of doilies to my daughter last month as she wanted some to revamp a lampshade! Not sure when it will be done though as she's currently crafting for her Caribbean wedding - the excess baggage charges are going to be huge, but it's still a lot cheaper than paying for stuff out there.

  6. WOW its beautiful and I agree totally different when lit. I love MIC too. Spencer though I want to punch and I'm not a violent person.

    1. Thanks Donna! I think the show is designed to make you want to punch them all. I see Jamie and Francis actually got beaten up the other day! Hardly surprising!

  7. The lampshade is gorgeous! I would love one!

    And as for MIC whoah! My guilty pleasure! I don't watch any reality TV at all except this, but by George I love it!

    I also think Francis is marvellous, I was shouting at the telly last season "Kiss him you silly cow!" But I think Jamie is my favourite favourite. I get quite cross when his posh chums call him "Boy" and when those evil Mummies were mean to him? Grrrr! I don't care if he'd been a swine, he was an apologetic swine!

    I am so ashamed of my intimate MIC knowledge...

    Just Pirouette and Carry On...

    1. I know what you mean, It took me ages before I could publicly admit to watching it!
      I'm afraid I can't bear Jamie! It's his bleached hair!

  8. Wow, fantastic job on the lampshade Emma Kate, it's sooo pretty. I've been inspired by Vix to do one too but although I can do colour it has to be red and matchy-matchy and I haven't found the right stuff yet.
    Never seen MIC (or TOWIE, can't believe how incredibly thick they are or why they are given air time)

    1. Thank you! Donna from the Tulip House has just done a red one with paper napkins that looks great!
      MIC is so bad, it's good!

  9. Oh I have a wedding dress I am cutting the lace off of , I can use that to cover me a shade,
    I love yours

  10. Absolutely gorgeous! What a great idea. Happy weekend form the enchanted oven.

  11. Wow...I found you from your link up at "funky junk's" party. I truly LOVE how your lamp shade turned out. Fabulous job and so very pretty when it is lit. I have been wanting to tackle a shade "updo" but have been too intimadated to try. Now I'm off to goodwill to find me some lace!!! Gotta see the rest of your blog and become a follower if you have gfc.
    Have a great weekend!!

  12. The shade looks fab. I have 3 bags of doilies, not sure if I am too ham fisted to manage to do one like this though. Still you have inspired me to do something or another with one lamp I have that has only the metal skeleton frame, I ripped the filthy fabric off it months ago!

  13. Thanks Chalky! I love the frames when they get down to bare metal. There's a gorgeous chicken wire one on pinterest. x

  14. seeing the energy efficient bulb troubles me. I've now made a shade out of 2 antimacassars and 6 safety pins - looks ok from the other side of the room ... ps think you are right & I shouldn't paint the bamboo plant stands, I have 4 vintage ones and nowhere to put 2 of them. I have had conservatory fantasies for years.

    1. Yeah, I think if it's totally see through you'd need a candle bulb. x

  15. That iS so funny---really liking your take on it too!

  16. Wow that looks gorgeous and so pretty, dee xx


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