
Wednesday 5 June 2013

Bloggiversary Giveaway!

It's my bloggiversary!

Blogging for me, has been an entirely positive experience. I have found a supportive network of friends who have been very welcoming. A sisterhood. I love the community I have become part of. I have found some wonderful people through blogging… people who I have more in common with than many of my friends.

It has increased my productivity. I'm getting things done like never before. A kick up the arse. It's chanelled my creativity. It has also brought me new clients.

It never ceases to amaze me that people read this! To say a BIG thank you to my readers and fellow bloggers I'm having a giveaway. Here's the stash...

Firstly for the UK people:

My husband was given a box of OPI nail varnishes when he filmed an OPI lady at a show.

They aren't Alpine Snow...
Now you know my hands are like these...

...except with added paint and bitten nails but I stashed them away for a future giveaway. I believe they are worth squillions. There are 4 bottles in the box.

They are: Natural Nail Base Coat, Russian Navy Nail Lacquer (looks purple to me,) Barre my Soul Nail Lacquer (pale pink) and a bottle of Top Coat.

I'm also offering this sweet little crate...

...which I will paint for you with the text of your choice if you wish.
Like this...

...or these...

...whatever you want. (But it is small!)

Cat food shows scale of crate...
 And two vintage unused groovy tea towels...

And this time, to be fair to my non UK readers there is another prize that I can post overseas. You won't get the nail polish,the tea towels or the crate, (some countries are funny about wooden products being imported) but you will get this very sweet vintage English marmalade pot.

And when I say 'vintage' I mean dating from 1873-1898 so actually 'antique'. I love these pots for holding paintbrushes. You can also use them as vases but you sometimes need to have a jam jar inside to hold the water as cracks and crazing means they aren't always water tight. Sorry to the UK folks but this prize is overseas only. (They are quite plentiful here though.)

So, to enter you must be a follower with Google Friend Connect and leave a comment below. If you are overseas please tell me this as the overseas people will be entered into a separate draw. Easy peasy. Oh, and please make sure you aren't on a 'no reply' setting as I will need to email you.

The deadline is midnight on Wednesday  13th June.

As for the future of this blog, I just hope I never run out of ideas. Or indeed furniture. My husband is a film maker and he's trying to persuade me to get in front of the camera. We'll see...

But for now, THANK YOU for reading! And good luck.


  1. I am a US resident following on GFC Heather Paulding

    Oh I would love to win that antique pot! I could think of a dozen things to do with it, but my dried lavender would look stunning in this! Thank you!

  2. Ooooh look at me look at me I'm the first one - does that mean I can have everything? Any of the above would find a special place at Chez Jane - although I am rather partial to the crate (think I'll pass on the cat food!) Happy blogiversary x Jane

  3. Argh! Got to get off no reply thingy!!!! : {

  4. Happy Bloggiversary!! Your blog was one of the first I discovered and I have loved reading back through your older posts, I don't think you'll ever run out of ideas or inspiration.
    I love the little crate. I'd love to be entered please, I'm pretty new to all this google and blogging lark so I'm no sure if I have google friend connect, is it the same as google +?

    1. I have no idea either but you're definitely on my google friend connect list!

  5. You are so generous, what gorgeous prizes! I love everything. I can't choose! You should be in front of tghe camera more, you are gorgeous!
    I follow with Google Friends Connect and Bloglovin' xxx

  6. Ooh lovely!! Please count me in.I am definitely a follower not sure about the google friends connect thingy....think I must be! Gorgeous goodies.

  7. Aw what a generous giveaway! Thank you! So glad I found your blog and started following, you're lovely!

    I'd love to win the OPI nail polish set if I was lucky enough! :)

  8. Happy blogtastic Versary ♥ chalky/teri

  9. Squeal!!!! What a fabulous and generous giveaway, Emma Kate. I'd love to be considered. Happy blogiversary and I hope you never run out of ideas too! Xx

  10. Very happy blogiversary to you! I love your stuff, I just dont seem to get the time during my incredibly precious free weekends to do more than catch up on well overdue housework but one day I will be free to attempt some of your very creative ideas. X

  11. Oh Happy Blog Birthday! Enjoyed seeing your wonderful transformations this past year, and picked up some handy tips too. Filming sounds interesting, what's he got planned for you?? x

  12. I am an overseas follower and covet that marmale jar! Please sign me up, thanks. Patty/BC

  13. Oooh! Oooh! I'd love to enter! Happy Bloggy Birthday! And a very fine blog it is too!!

    Kate xx
    Just Pirouette and Carry On...

  14. Congratulations on your Blogiversary, Emma Kate, I'm so pleased you enjoy blogging and find it a positive experience - I do too! And you do it very well, and yes, get yourself in front of the camera, you are a total supermodel and need to be seen!
    Ooh, great prizes, consider me a keen and hopeful entrant via GFC please! xxx

  15. What lovely, lovely prizes. :) I adore the crate, having a "thing" about boxes, maybe I was a cat in a former life! :) I would choose to have my late darling dog's name on it, but use it as a treat box for my Handsome Boy-cat. This month is a key month for me, so understand why it's special for you being your Blogiversary. I was born, married (and uuhhmmm divorced) in the month of June, and also was almost around at the time of the Queen's Coronation, didn't see much because I was in my mum's tum at the time. :) Ooops, I'm waffling.
    I love your blog, it is the only one I subscribe to, and love it when my email pings and I see who the email is from. You are truly inspirational and importantly to me, uplifting, and I hope to read your blog for many years to come. Sorry, still waffling. Good luck to everyone.
    Have no idea if my email address shows, I can't get the hang of Google!

  16. These are some beautiful items and congratulations on your Blogiversary!!

    I follow you on GFC (Krista W.) and would love to be entered.

    I am, however, overseas in the US. :)

  17. I just followed you through Google Friend Connect. I already followed you by email. I'm a U.S. resident. I collect the little Dundee pots. I love them, but they are SO expensive over here. Happy Blogiversary :)

  18. Happy Blog-a-versary Emma Kate, I always forget mine. Great prizes indeed, those OPI nail varnishes are ten quid a pop I believe. The crate will be even more delightful all painted up. Am I on GFC ??? If so count me in please. x

  19. Happy Blogiversary Emma Kate, I've been reading your blog for ages now. Please don't enter me for your giveaway though as I have been a very lucky recipient of one of your fab giveaways before, and it would be just toooooo greedy to ask again. Good Luck to everyone else though :) and.... please keep on blogging x

  20. Happy Blogiversary Emma Kate. Please don't enter me for the draw as I too have hands like a navvy - yet another thing we have in common. I've bitten my nails for as long as I can remember, my finger ends are scarred from stitching and I have very little skin left around my nails as I've taken to pulling it off as there's nothing left of my nails to bite! Yuk I know! I haven't sanded anything for a while though so at least my hands have softened up a bit.

  21. Following on GC Steph Lewin-Lane. This giveaway is great! I love handmade :)

  22. what a wonderful giveaway. happy blogiversary. your place is always such a joy to visit. im google friend connected! xx

  23. Thank you for the opportunity to win - a lovely Giveaway!
    I love the Betty's logo on the crate :)
    Happy anniversary - looking forward to reading more posts to come.


  24. I am USA what a lovely giveaway
    I follow on GFC rosemary ford


I love to hear your comments!