
Thursday 20 June 2013

Odd week...

Odd week. I've been asked if I want to do some painting on telly! Very flattering and exciting! Just call me Lawrence.

Then we found out that my daughter has a hip condition that should have been diagnosed at 8 months, and if it had been it could have been dealt with non invasively. It's a bit late for that now as she's almost 7 years old. So I don't know if they will do something drastic or do nothing and just try and limit the damage and give her stability. I'm really trying not to dwell on the missed opportunity and the stupid, incompetent, idiotic health visitor who failed to pick up on this at the 8m check. But I'm failing.

It's such a shame this wasn't detected sooner. Her hypermobility has probably masked the symptoms. It's sports day next week and I just want to phone in sick to protect her self esteem. I've spoken with the school and they have been great and far more rational than me.

So I have achieved precisely nothing. Except for turning this...

  into this...

and this...

into this...

 ...yucky black tiles that will be covered up soon!

 I hope to be back with completed projects soon. Bear with me!
I'll leave you with this little marble topped table I picked up a few weeks ago for £4! I'm longing to paint it but I won't let myself until I've waxed the dressing table.

I mean marble? £4? Seriously? How could I not?

And a picture of my peony bush.

When I say, bush, it's really more of a twig. But I'm thrilled with my peony as there wasn't even one last year. Perhaps next year we'll get two.


  1. Hi EK
    Sorry to hear about your daughter, can't imagine how angry you must feel that the health professionals did not notice her condition. A telly spot, how exciting! Not 'Hollywood Me' I hope, I watched it last night and thought it was crap. Not that it was the decorators fault, it was just so contrived. £4 for that table, that seriously has to be the bargain of the year. Look forward to seeing your makeover. As for peonies, they are slow to get going but they get better every year.

    1. I'll have to look out for that show! Nothing wrong with contrived! I'm thinking of a new haircut and eyelash extensions! xx

  2. Emma Kate, that is so crap for your daughter. I could tell you a hideous tale of incompetence about when Nina was born (Littlest) to let you know you are not alone, but I'll spare you my ongoing angst... I hope your daughter will be OK. There are lots of kids who struggle with sports day, for all sorts of reasons, so I am sure the school get that it's an issue.
    In the light of difficult news, it's a miracle you got anything done apart from feeling angry and resentful and worried. But look, you are about to become a TV star (more details please, it sounds very exciting!) AND you have sorted walls and carpets and made plans for the marble-top table. AND grown a peony! Result(s)! xxxx

    1. This is the second time in her little life that she's been let down by the system. It removes all trust in doctors! xxxx

  3. Hope all works out well for you daughter xx

    Loving the little marble table, what a bargain! Xxx

  4. Thinking of you and your gorgeous daughter (don't think you've ever posted pictures, but if she takes after you... :) ). How frustrating it must be; I think it's perfectly reasonable to feel cross and dwell on it, especially as it has just come to light. I'm very glad to hear that the school has been so understanding about sports day.

    On the note of your potential TV appearance- DO IT. I will be bragging down the pub about "my friend Emma Kate who is going to be on TV" :)

    Wishing you a weekend of happy distractions xxx

  5. Bloody hell, that's exactly what happened to me, your poor daughter. You'd think things would have improved after 47 years, wouldn't you? Hopefully, now it's been diagnosed something can be done as she's still growing.
    Get you, on the telly and everything! xxx

  6. Emma, that is simply awful that it has taken 7 years to diagnose something that should of been seen at 8mths. I am glad to hear that the school are being okay with it ref sports day, but I bet she hates that she has to miss out.

    It really has been an odd week for you and you don't think you will get away with just a mention of being on TV do you??? and your peony looks beautiful, one small step and all that xxx

    1. She wants to miss out! We're thinking she should at least try but it's hard getting the balance right. x

  7. Oh so many big cyber hugs to your daughter, and to you as well since you will have to bear the brunt of any decision making. I'm so sad to hear that your fairy loving daughter has difficulties. More hugs from Liverpool for your family.

    How lovely to be asked to paint on the tele! Can't wait to see you! I'm sure you'll put Lawrence to shame! ;-)

    Taking inspiration from your fairy garden we're thinking of doing a knights and dragons one for our grandsons down at the half allotment we just got. Didn't think they'd be into fairies being boys, but there's a half rotted tree stump that might make a good castle to defend! LOL

    Best wishes from Liverpool, Maggie

    1. Thank you Maggie! The dragon and Knight garden sounds fab!xx

  8. This is just awful! How rotten for your little girl! And to be told it should have been diagnosed so early must have been a real kick in the gut. I hope she receives better treatment from here on!

    Kate x
    Just Pirouette and Carry On...

    1. It sucks, I cannot wait to meet the consultant and find out what's going to happen! x

  9. Oh how awful - my two have hypermobility (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) as well and I'm planning a blog post this evening about sports day! Please do get in touch if I can be of any help - it's a horrid thing to be going through - I'm in St Albans.

  10. Hi I was introduced to your gorgeous blog today by liz from Me and my shadow. My daughter Erin has hip dysplaisa and she was late diagnosed at 2. Like you our health visitor failed to spot it even at the 9 month check when she had all the obvious symptoms. You can read about DDH on my blog and see Erin's story. Erin has hypermobility also, so there seems to be similarites. Steps Charity is a brilliant resource and they can offer support and advice. Erin has had major surgeries and is likely to require more as she travels through childhood into adulthood. It makes me so cross that DDH is missed and our children are left and failed. Feel free to email me if you want - I understand the frustration and fear you feel. I hope you get the appointment and treatment plan sorted quickly. x

  11. I'm not sure if my comment reached you, it seemed to vanish, so just to say again I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. Such a shock for you, but I'm sure she'll face everything with courage, as kids can be amazing like that. Thinking of you all, Antonia xxx
    P.S. would love to know how you fixed that patch so professionally, was it tricky? Keep us posted about the exciting TV opportunity, too!

    1. Ah, thanks Antonia. Must have been a blip. Top tip: NEVER let the electrician fill the holes. He insisted! ''I do this all the time!'' he said. I could see it was going to be shite so the minute he left I scraped the cement right back. If you cement up to the surrounding wall, theres nowhere for the ployfilla to go and you get a bulge. Your cement needs to be recessed so you can polyfill up to the wall. Men huh? What do they know about beauty? I am obsessive about flat walls. xx


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